A little about us
Inclusion is a national organisation that works with individuals, families and communities who are affected by addiction, crime, mental health or need treatment for their sexual health. Whilst providing comprehensive and inclusive support and treatment we work with patients and our staff teams to achieve the best outcomes we can.
What we've achieved together
60,000 +
attendances across our sexual health services
18,000 +
people accessed contraception in our sexual health services.
Over 1.1 million
prescriptions were safely provided across our community addiction services.
people received advice and support from our community addiction services.7,835
people received support for alcohol in our services.
Over 4,000
people received psychological interventions to help them with their levels or anxiety, depression and other emotional and mental health difficulties from our IAPT service.
is our current IAPT psychological interventions recovery rate for the year (with many more due to complete before the end of the year)
of people achieve reliable improvement in managing anxiety and depression compared to the national target of 50%
3,500 +
individuals across our prison addiction services are engaged with us at any one time