“If we know better we should do better”
This statement was at the heart of Inclusion’s, part of Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust’s ambition to create a specialist inpatient unit for those in need of drug and alcohol detoxification across the South East of England.
We are pleased to announce we have partnered with Two Saints a local housing association and well respected local provider, 20 Local Authorities including Hampshire County Council as the lead local authority contractor to bring high quality specialised care and treatment to those requiring intensive support and detoxification. Inclusion currently provide community drug and alcohol treatment services across Hampshire, the Isle of Wight and Buckinghamshire. Inclusion previously provided an In Patient detox unit in Birmingham.
Why have we opened a new unit?
NHS inpatient detox units are in limited numbers across the country with only two remaining in the South of England. They are invaluable and unique in providing residential detox treatment for life-threatening addictions and is often a last hope for recovery for some of our most vulnerable members of society.
There is currently greater need than supply across the South of England and the opening of our unit will provide an opportunity to increase the capacity in this specialist detox provision, ultimately saving lives.
Having the new provision of Dame Carol Detoxification Service allows us to provide this life-saving intervention and care which will mean emergency hospital admissions are avoided and planned structured treatment enabled.
Where is Dame Carol Detoxification Service?
The unit is located at 2-3 Kings Road, Fareham, South Hampshire.
Who is it for?
We accept referrals from 20 Local Authority areas across the South of England. The medically managed detox service provides 24-hour care to those aged 18 and over with acute substance misuse issues, and deal with complex physical, mental health, and behavioural issues.
The unit provides safe and effective detoxification and stabilisation for individuals with alcohol and drug use disorders. Initially the unit may not be able to accommodate people who are so physically or mentally unwell they should be placed in a hospital setting.
The unit is for planned, not emergency admissions and referrals into the unit will be via drug and alcohol services commissioned to provide services within the nominated areas.
How to access Dame Carol Detoxification Service
We accept referrals from drug and alcohol services commissioned to provide services within the 20 Local Authority areas across the South of England. Visit our referral page.
The 20 Local Authority areas are:
- Hampshire
- Portsmouth
- Southampton
- Dorset
- Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole
- West Sussex
- East Sussex
- Reading
- Wokingham
- Bracknell Forest
- Slough
- Royal Borough Winsor & Maidenhead
- Brighton & Hove
- Surrey
- West Berkshire
- Kent
- Medway
- Buckinghamshire
- Oxfordshire
When will it open?
Dane Carol Detoxification Service is now open to referrals. Visit our referrals page to find out more.